
မေသန္တာချို, Country Highest Mark in Accounting (iAL 2018 Jan)

I attended TZEC for my A-Level Accounting from 2016-2018. Tr. Thuzar have been very helpful and explained every concept in detail and was patient with any question I had. She was available anytime I needed help, even more so closer to exams and was willing to help over call or messages when there were no classes. Tr. Thuzar made accounting fun and engaging and I really enjoyed all the classes with her throughout the 2 years. Tr. Thuzar’s support goes beyond A-Levels, and she always answered any questions I had during University as well.

Under Tr. Thuzar’s guidance, I was able to achieve the highest mark in IAL Accounting. I received a scholarship from the University of Sheffield and I am now in my final year studying Accounting and Financial Management, going into a career in Auditing in the UK. I owe so much of this to Tr. Thuzar, who was there with me through this journey.

I strongly recommend TZEC for everyone studying for their IGCSE for A-Levels- the help, guidance and support you receive here is like none other!

Country Highest Mark in Accounting (iAL Jan 2018)



TZ Education Center ဘွဲ့နှင်းသဘင် အခမ်းအနား
ဧပြီ 5, 2022By
TZEC မှ ကြိုဆိုပါ၏
ဒီဇင်ဘာ 31, 2020By

